1. PewDiePie: $12 million
For a guy who has nearly 40 million people subscribing to his “playing videogames with your bros” channel, this Swedish star, whose real name is Felix Kjellberg, is notoriously private, rarely granting interviews, doing conferences or visiting the Los Angeles YouTube studios. Sorry, bro, but if you are making more than $10 million a year playing The Walking Dead, it’s going to be newsworthy.
H/T: Forbes Online
Wow this is incredible! They must be pretty talented and entertaining to earn that kind of money!
Bella Pummarola
so cool – awesome post 🙂
Loving the new blog look, gurl. Professional! I don’t really have a fav Youtube star, but I do watch some vlogs.
Wow these people are really making some serious $
Really interesting post…thx for sharing! Have a great weekend! xx
Great post!!! Sweet greetings! Kiss:))
with the exception of Michelle Phan, I havent heard of any of them, and i watch youtube daily. thats the beauty of it, that I get to choose what I watch. Found you on beauty ojo’s blog.